Mobile Web Weekly June 1, 2016   #110
Brian Rinaldi recommends
State of The Mobile Gap Between Native and Web — What is the current state of the gap between the the mobile web and native apps? Remy gives his take.
Remy Sharp
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Smart Responsive Design Patterns, Or When Off-Canvas Isn't Good Enough — This article features some of the slightly more obscure design patterns, such as responsive car-builder interfaces, mega dropdown navigation, content grids and charts, as well as responsive art direction.
Vitaly Friedman
Holly Schinsky recommends
Sticky Footer, Five Ways — Five different ways to create a sticky footer in your app to ensure it “sticks” to the bottom of the browser window.
Chris Coyier
The Easiest Way to Find a Job — Hired lets you sit back while job offers come to you. When you complete your profile, instantly apply to 3,500+ companies on the platform who will contact you with job offers, including salary and equity up-front. Try it today.

Peter Cooper recommends
Progressive Web App Dev Summit 2016 — The summit (in Amsterdam later this month) will be two days of talks, codelabs and access to the Chrome engineers to discuss the future of the web.
Chris Brandrick recommends
Mobile Ad Blocking Rose 90% Last Year, Report Says — The number of smartphone owners using ad blocking software has risen by 90 percent over the past year, according to a new report, reaching nearly 420 million people worldwide.
Amar Toor
Holly Schinsky recommends
Another Tool to Make Mobile Web Debugging Easier — Eruda is a new DevTools like console for mobile browsers to help debug your apps directly on your device.
Chris Brandrick recommends
Google to Boost Mobile Web Speed on Apple Devices — Readers who search for news on Google’s iOS app will now get select articles faster (thanks to AMP).
Jonathan Vanian
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Installing Ionic to Build Hybrid HTML5 Apps
Mark Brown
Holly Schinsky recommends
Building a Cross Platform, Salesforce Powered, Contact List App — A sample contact list app tutorial that authenticates with via OAuth, performs a SOQL query and populates a list with contacts from the SFDC cases.
Chad Tetreault
Holly Schinsky recommends
Web Developers Looking to Get Into The Mobile Space? — An hour long talk on Ionic and the evolution of a hybrid framework.
Sani Yusef
Chris Brandrick recommends
Mobile UX Design: The Right Ways to Ask Users for Permissions — Permission strategy depends on the clarity and importance of the permission type you are requesting.
Nick Babich
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Converting Your Ionic 2 Mobile App to NativeScript — Both frameworks use Angular 2 and TypeScript, so Nic explores how easily you can make the move.
Nic Raboy
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Rise of Ad-Blocking Software Threatens Online Revenue — 1 in 5 smartphone users block ads when browsing the web on phones.
NY Times
Holly Schinsky recommends
Elixel attends: PhoneGap Day EU 2016 — A recap of PhoneGap Day EU 2016 from Christian Cook of Elixel.
Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Renew All Your Project's Cordova Plugins At Once — Updating your Cordova app project to get the latest platform specific support is a periodic task that could be made easier by following this tip.
EeKay's Blog
Holly Schinsky recommends
ConfiGAP 2.0a Released — A new version of ConfiGAP was recently released to help you configure your mobile apps with PhoneGap Build.
Chris Griffith
Brian Rinaldi recommends
NativeScript Android Application Package Size Revealed — A look at the architecture behind the NativeScript Android runtime and how it impacts the package size.
Georgi Atanasov
Try RASON™ – RESTful Analytic Solver™ Object Notation for Web/Mobile Apps — Solve powerful optimization simulation models in your app easily with RASON®. Use a high-level modeling language embedded in JSON, a simple, Azure-backed REST API. by Frontline Systems Inc