Mobile Web Weekly September 14, 2016   #125
Holly Schinsky recommends
What Progressive Web Apps Are Really All About — Many think that Progressive Web Apps are all about speed and performance, but maybe it’s just about the apps.
Dan Rowinski
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Android Pay Is Coming to The Mobile Web 'Soon', Available First On Chrome — Android’s mobile payment system will work on the mobile web “soon” according to Google, though no specifics are given.
James Vincent
Chris Brandrick recommends
Is Now A Good Time to Start Using Web Bluetooth? (Hint: Yes, Yes It Is) — Into IoT and the Web? If you like playing with cutting edge, user-facing tech, you should check out Web Bluetooth.
Uri Shaked
Java/Android Dev Training: How to Build a Fully Featured Chat App — Learn to build your own Java/Android chat app with realtime messages and more. Watch Now.

Brian Rinaldi recommends
The 2016 U.S. Mobile App Report — According to Comscore, “mobile audience growth is being driven more by mobile web properties, which are actually bigger and growing faster than apps.”
comScore, Inc
Holly Schinsky recommends
Introducing iOS Web Debugging for VS Code on Windows and Mac — Mobile web developers can now debug JavaScript running on their iOS devices directly from Visual Studio Code.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Do We Need Better Prototyping or Simpler Coding? “No points for guessing. It’s the second one.”
Daniel Hollick
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Simple CSS Media Queries — A huge, searchable list of device-specific breakpoints.
Michael Gannon
Holly Schinsky recommends
Announcing PWA Support in Ionic 2 — “One of our goals with Ionic 2 is to make PWAs a first-class citizen right out of the box” — the first iteration of that is now available when you create a new Ionic 2 app.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Integrating Native Google Maps into an Ionic 2 Application
Josh Morony
Holly Schinsky recommends
Fixing 'Browser Has Stopped' Errors in the Android Simulator
Raymond Camden
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Use amp-img and amp-video to Speed Up Your Site
Kezz Bracey
Holly Schinsky recommends
Mobile Commerce Wars: Apps Versus Mobile Web — The explosive growth in mobile and how it’s disrupting industries and impacting brands.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
React Native Elements UI Toolkit — A set of cross-platform UI elements for React Native apps.
React Native Community
Holly Schinsky recommends
Content Security Policy, Your Future Best Friend — Why Content Security Policy (CSP) is important and what you need to be aware of when configuring it.
Nicolas Hoffmann
Holly Schinsky recommends
Building a Mobile App with Cordova and Vue.js — Learn how to build a random word generator using Cordova and Vue.js.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Come See Us At These Upcoming PhoneGap Events — A list of upcoming events the PhoneGap team will be presenting at in the near future.
PhoneGap Blog
Holly Schinsky recommends
Basic Patterns for Mobile Navigation — A comparison of three basic navigation patterns for mobile apps; hamburger menu, tab bar and gesture-based navigation.
Nick Babich
Chris Brandrick recommends
What, Exactly, Makes Something A Progressive Web App? — “A PWA is functionally defined by the technical properties that allow the browser to detect that the site meets certain criteria and is worthy of being added to the homescreen.”
Alex Russell
Holly Schinsky recommends
How Google And Others Are Plotting The Revenge of the Web App — Evolving technology and app store frustrations could give the once-overhyped web app another shot at relevance.
Jared Newman
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Building Resizeable Components with Relative CSS Units — A ton of examples for taking relative units beyond just font sizing.
Ahmad Shadeed
Holly Schinsky recommends
Developing for Android vs. iOS: Material vs. Flat Design — The first post in a series on Material vs Flat Design, focused on the high-level design differences between Android and iOS.
Jordan Réjaud
Convert live website URLs into native Android & iOS — Check out 1000s of successfully published apps in the app stores - examples, or try it out for free