Mobile Web Weekly February 15, 2017   #145
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Achieving 60 FPS Mobile Animations with CSS3 — Jose Roasario shares tips for animating elements in mobile contexts.
Chris Brandrick recommends
To Use Or Not To Use: Touch Gesture Controls For Mobile Interfaces — Kyle Sanders explores the benefits and drawbacks of gestural controls for mobile UIs, and offers advice on effective implementation that avoids the gap in user familiarity.
Smashing Magazine
Brian Rinaldi recommends
HTML5 for the Mobile Web: Forms and Input Types — A look at new browser form controls and how they look, behave and are supported on various mobile browsers.
Ruadhán O'Donoghue
Build your gem of an app on our jewel of a server. Linode: Simple. Reliable. Powerful. Fast. — Create your ultimate app using the cloud’s fastest, most scalable, powerful and reliable SSD servers: Linode. Use promo code MOBILEWEB20 for a $20 credit.

Peter Cooper recommends
Mobile 2.0 — Thoughts from a key industry pundit: “If in 2004 we had ‘Web 2.0’, now there’s a lot of ‘Mobile 2.0’ around. If Web 2.0 said ‘lots of people have broadband and modern browsers now’, Mobile 2.0 says ‘there are a billion people with high-end smartphones now’.”
Benedict Evans
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Tabris.js 2.0 Beta 1 Is Here — The first beta of the 2.0 release includes a new UI model, new page navigation widget and more.
Gosia Mitros
Holly Schinsky recommends
Service Workers and Caching From Other Origins — How to handle service workers and caching when crossing origins.
Filip Bruun Bech-Larsen
Chris Brandrick recommends
Manifoldjs Is Becoming PWA Builder
Jeff Burtoft
Holly Schinsky recommends
Apache Cordova Windows 5.0.0 — Cordova 5.0.0 for Windows has been released and includes a major change in resource-file behavior, WinMD + C++ based DLL support, a new buildFlag feature and more.
Apache Cordova
Za'e Johnson recommends
Build An Android Realtime Feed with Pusher
Esteban Herrera
Chris Brandrick recommends
5 Steps to Better Responsive Images — Tips for optimizing image size, adaptivity, delivery and workflow.
Zarema Khalilova
Holly Schinsky recommends
How To Create a WordPress Mobile App — The first in a series of posts on how to create a WordPress mobile app using the JSON REST api and the Ionic Framework.
Chris Brandrick recommends
How to Build Cross-Platform Mobile Apps using Nothing More Than A JSON Markup
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Crosswalk 23 to Be The Last Crosswalk Release — The Crosswalk team at Intel has decided that the changing mobile ecosystem means that Crosswalk is no longer needed.
Crosswalk Project
Holly Schinsky recommends
contacts7v: Contacts Management Application — A sample contacts management app built with Framework7
Guillaume Biton
Holly Schinsky recommends
Aurelia Framework7: A Lightweight Mobile App Platform — A repo combining Aurelia, Framework7, Webpack and Cordova to provide a simple framework for building hybrid apps
Alexander Flenniken
Holly Schinsky recommends
5 Tricks to Make Your Ionic App Look Better — Tips and tricks to help you make your Ionic apps look their best.
Maddy Russell
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Use Visually Appealing Fancy Alerts In A NativeScript Angular Application — How to display “Fancy Alerts,” which are visually appealing alerts, within a NativeScript mobile app built with Angular.
Nic Raboy
Chris Brandrick recommends
Mobile Navigation: The Battle Between Content and Chrome — A look at three basic navigational patterns for mobile apps, and when best to use each one.
Nick Babich