Mobile Web Weekly March 1, 2017   #147
Peter Cooper recommends
Progressive Web App Libraries in Production “In 2017, if you aren’t taking advantage of Service Workers, you’re leaving performance wins for returning users on the table.”
Addy Osmani
Holly Schinsky recommends
Touch Devices Should Not Be Judged By Their Size — Media queries aren’t always enough when designing for touch screens, but a new Interaction Media spec can help by detecting pointing device and hover capabilities.
Andres Galante
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages Now Accounts for 7% of Traffic to Big US Publishers — According to data released by Adobe Analytics, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) now accounts for a significant and growing portion of traffic to major publishers.
Rich McCormick
Learn to develop your next web or mobile application with ReactJS — Register for Rangle’s free React online course for developers on March 31. The second of a three-part series, this course is designed for developers interested in diving into the React library.

Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Build Your Own Progressive Image Loader — A handy technique for progressive image loading to provide the best performance in your hybrid mobile apps.
Craig Buckler
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Why I Love Element Queries and You Should Too — What makes element queries powerful and how you can get started using them with the EQCSS plugin.
Tommy Hodgins
Chris Brandrick recommends
Nokia’s 3310 Returns to Life As A Modern Classic — Basic web use is achieved via the bundled Opera Mini browser, running over a 2.5G connection.
Tom Warren
Peter Cooper recommends
How to Build an Ionic 2 App with Native Plugin Integrations
Coding Sans
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Great Alternatives to Hamburger Menus — How to make your navigation obvious and keep people engaged.
Chris Brandrick recommends
Sneak Preview of NativeScript 3.0 — Georgi Atanasov gives us a sneak preview of NativeScript 3.0, due out in mid-April.
Peter Cooper recommends
How to Make Your App a PWA
Mirosław Ciastek
Holly Schinsky recommends
Increasing Performance with Efficient DOM Writes in Ionic 2
Josh Morony
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Introduction to Ionic 2 — A look at what’s new and changed between Ionic 1 and 2 and whether you should choose Ionic 2 for your project.
Wernher-Bel Ancheta
Holly Schinsky recommends
Ionic Split Pane Component — An in-depth look at the split pane component recently released by Ionic.
Chris Griffith
Holly Schinsky recommends
How to Install 3rd Party Libraries in Ionic 2
Joshua Morony
Brian Rinaldi recommends
CSS Grid: Learning New Layout - Responsive — A quick comparison of the code necessary to create a grid with and without CSS Grid support.
Susan Robertson
Holly Schinsky recommends
A Roundup of Vue.js-Supporting Mobile Hybrid App Frameworks — A roundup of hybrid mobile frameworks supporting Vue.js 2.0.
Holly Schinsky recommends
Testing on Multiple Form factors — Maya-kai mirrors gestures and user interactions in React Native applications, making it useful for testing apps on devices with different screen sizes at the same time.
Parashuram N
Peter Cooper recommends
Design a Perfect Search Box — How this element can be improved in order to save the user time in going where they want.
Nick Babich
Brian Rinaldi recommends
spacegrid: A Basic, Responsive Grid Layout
Jonathan Speek