Mobile Web Weekly May 17, 2017   #158
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Modern Media Queries: Key Features of Media Query Level 4 — The latest version of the Media Query spec brings extra features to media queries, as thoroughly demonstrated here.
Andrés Galante
Holly Schinsky recommends
How To Create Native Cross-Platform Apps With Fuse — Fuse is a toolkit for creating apps that run on both iOS/Android devices. See how it works and how it compares to platforms such as React Native and NativeScript.
Wern Ancheta
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Progressing the Story of Progressive Web Apps — Reiterating Samsung’s commitment to PWAs.
Daniel Appelquist
Are you a mobile developer? — Take the Developer Economics survey and vote for your favourite mobile platform, tools and programming languages. You might also win an iPhone 7.
Developer Economics

Holly Schinsky recommends
Upgrading to a Progressive Web App — An in-depth look at how a single page app (SPA) was refactored to a multi-page app (MPA) and finally a Progressive Web App with particular emphasis on performance.
ELEME Frontend Engineering
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Progressive Web Apps — Yeh or Meh? — Members of Progress’s Developer Relations team debate the merits of progressive web apps - do they deserve all the hype that they have been getting?
Telerik Developer Network
Holly Schinsky recommends
Simple Offline Website — The “Simple Offline Site” repo for building an offline site with service workers has been updated recently and moved to a CodePen to make it easier to try out.
Chris Coyier
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Step Away From the Ledge: Mobile Apps Aren’t Dying ” we are, in 2017, and the mobile app market is more alive than ever.”
Larry Alton
Chris Brandrick recommends
Google Material Design Lead, Rich Fulcher, Shares Origin Story of Google's Design Vision
High Resolution
Brian Rinaldi recommends
The State of Progressive Web Apps — A discussion during Microsoft’s Build conference about PWAs and their benefits.
Channel 9
Chris Brandrick recommends
Orientation Sensor First Public Working Draft — The Orientation Sensor API provides generic information describing a device’s physical orientation in relation to a 3D coordinate system.
Chris Brandrick recommends
PWABuilder — A collection of tools to help build and deploy Progressive Web Apps.
Brian Rinaldi recommends
Introducing Vue and Weex for Native Mobile Apps — How to build a mobile app on the Weex platform using Vue.js.
Lawrence Turton
Brian Rinaldi recommends
How Does MIHTool Save Time When Debugging Webpages On iOS — A new web inspector extension for Safari on iPad/iPhone.
Unbug Lee
Brian Rinaldi recommends
React-Native: Lessons Learned — Some lessons from someone building their first React Native app.
Kay Plößer
Brian Rinaldi recommends
mini.css - Minimal, Responsive, Style-agnostic CSS Framework — mini.css is a CSS framework designed to be lightweight, responsive and style-agnostic.
Angelos Chalaris
Chris Brandrick recommends
Tabris.js 2.0 RC1 Is Here
Ralf Sternberg